Monday, November 19, 2012

Monday Questionnaire: November 19th, 2012!

Time for another Monday Questionnaire, you know I actually enjoy these to keep you guys updated with my life! Can you guess what this one will be about?

Image Courtesy of Google

It's to early to do a Christmas Questionnaire but I love the holidays! I'm doing it anyway ;)

I remember this time last year they were starting to light the Tree in Rockefeller Center in New York! oh how I miss New York at Christmas time!

1. Name 5 things you want for Christmas this year!
    Gift Card for Sephora, Clothes, Shoe Rack, New pair of riding boots, and little bit of gas money :)

2. What does your stocking look like?
Green and red with a nice set of cream mittens :)

3. What is your favorite Christmas song?
 I have more than 1! I like Jingle Bell, Grandma got run over by a reindeer, And all I want for Christmas if you by Mariah Carey :)

4. What does your family do on Christmas Eve?
Open one present, set out cookies and milk :) , and Go to bed and wake up with presents.

5. What does your family do on Christmas morning, afternoon, and night?
Since we wake up pretty early we open up presents and go back to bed up until like noon, then we eat Christmas lunch and get ready and go to aunts and uncles house for a big Christmas party :)

6. What is your favorite Christmas smell? (like the tree, the food, cookies, snow)
Cookies, Cinnamon, winter candles and the crisp cold air!

7. Do you think you're going to have a white Christmas? 
    I've heard we are getting a lot of snow this year so I hope! I've never had a white christmas!

8. How much does your family spend on you at Christmas time?
    About $300 per kid, I only have 1 other sister.

9. Do you meet up with extended family at Christmas time?
Yes my aunts, uncles, cousins, step grandmother, grandfather and my real family :)

10. Do you go to Church on Christmas?
     No but I want to this year!

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