Monday, October 29, 2012

Monday Questionnaire: October 29th, 2012

  Since I live on the East coast I went to my local Target this weekend to stock up on canned goods, milk, water toilet paper, etc because of Hurricane Sandy  and I'm really proud of myself, I only bought 1 beauty item considering it was hard not to. (shopaholic)

1.) Mood: Pretty Good, Hurricane Is starting to die down a little bit where I live. I'm still glued to the tv hoping for safety of others.

2.) On the topic of Hurricane Sandy, are any natural disasters common where you live?
      Just Hurricane Sandy & If it starts to get worse maybe a flood :(

3.) What is your favorite song at the moment?
     Begin Again by Taylor Swift off of her new album "Red" 

4.) Current nail polish:
       None, I've been on a roll switching up my nail color. But I'm painting them soon which means NOTD!

5.) If you could only use one makeup product, what would it be?
     I would say a BB cream. Mainly because it's multi purpose. it can be used as a sunscreen, a base or a tinted moisturizer/ foundation. Plus I wouldn't feel like I've had a lot of harsh chemicals on my face. After that it would have to be Concealer, Powder, Mascara.

6.) Current outfit:
      Ravens Football Jersey, and black yoga shorts. Comfy day for me as I spend 2 days inside :(

7.) Are you good at keeping in touch with friends and family?
     I am very close with my parents I tell them everything because they're always there for me. Other than that my aunts, uncles, and cousins, I really only see them around the holidays :(

8.) Are you excited about any holiday makeup collections this year?
     This isn't really a collection but I'm excited for the limited edition red lipsticks from the drugstores. I love red lipsticks and the only ones that really work for me are the Tarte Glamazon ones and the Maybelline, Revlon, and other bright candy apple lip colors :)

9.) The world's most wonderful chef is at your home ready to fix any meal you desire-- what do you order? Seafood! I love Red Lobster & since I don't really get to eat out a lot. I would definitely want a Smörgåsbord  of seafood such as shrimp, crab cakes, lobster, fish, crab legs Oh! that would be soo Wonderful!

10.) Weekly goals: Get some new videos done for my new Youtube channel. I still haven't figured out the name I want but once I know it I will tell you ASAP!

Have a great day & be safe! xox Lexie :)

Copy and paste these questions and do them down below!

1.) Mood:
2.) On the topic of Hurricane Sandy, are any natural disasters common where you live?
3.) What is your favorite song at the moment?
4.) Current nail polish:
5.) If you could only use one makeup product, what would it be?
6.) Current outfit:
7.) Are you good at keeping in touch with friends and family?
8.) Are you excited about any holiday makeup collections this year?
9.) The world's most wonderful chef is at your home ready to fix any meal you desire-- what do you order?
10.) Weekly goals:

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